Sunday 18 December 2011

5 secrets of successful agile projects

1.  Build team around self motivated people.
    "Endeavors succeed or fail because of the people involved". - Colin Powell
2. Sharpen your axe'
    agilists have no time to learn, everyday they are busy in delivering results. "A young man   who graduated yesterday and stops learning today will become uneducated tomorrow". Training & brainstorming sessions on process, technology and application/domain  improves team productivity.

3. Welcome ideas from team, prioritize & act

4. Software engineering practices
    implement well known engineering practices like continuous integration, code reviews,(acceptance) test driven development, automated testing, code analyzer tools, daily deployments to DEV/TEST env, clearing technical debts, refactoring. Don't ignore performance and security testing.

5. Invest on good infrastructure & systems
    agile workplace looks quite different, no cubicles, lot of whiteboards (magnetic), sticky notes, projector/TV, webcams, VOIP, Desktop with dual monitor (min 3GB RAM)